Sunday, January 9, 2011

Ugly Duckling is Back

Looks like the 'ugly duckling' HMod I saw on Craigslist last month is up for sale on Ebay.  The seller has cleaned the car up and taken much better photos.  I'm betting he'll make a decent profit for his efforts.  The side shot is nice- probably the best angle for this car.
Seller also suggests that it might be an early Devin, a guess I'm pretty skeptical of.  The vintage Devin photo he's posted is a Hot Shot that Bill Devin modified before he started making fiberglass bodies - and it doesn't look much like the car for sale anyway.  I'll be curious to see what it goes for...


  1. it's quite nice, but the proportion arches/wheels is far from being elegant.

    why does it need to be so wide?

  2. I think you mean 'long' (Crosleys are only 4 feet 3 inches wide, so I don't think you mean wide.

    Length is only about 13 feet total, but with 12 inch wheels it seems longer. The longer the wheelbase the lower the center of gravity- and Crosleys have a pretty high center of gravity as it is.
