Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Bucksaw Blade

I check the Crosley Auto Club's Crosley-Gang bulletin board every day - always good stuff, but this was too good not to share....

From Ken Knapp:

"That reminds me of the stories my Mom would tell of her car. She had a crosley through high school, teachers college and through her first years of teaching.They would move her car into the gymnasium."

"When she worked at the drive in, they would move her car between the car speaker poles so she couldn't get out. My grandfather was so annoyed with the kids doing it that he welded a bucksaw blade to the bumper. Let's say it never happened again (and one of the kids shows the scars to Mom at their 50th school reunion)."

1 comment:

  1. The Crosley Gang has shared many lifetimes of wisdom and stories. Always worth a look. Thanks for sharing!
