Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Crosley Surrey (AKA Golf Cart) for $250!!!

Man, I no sooner get rid of the Crosley wagon body than I find something else my wife would strangle me for if I brought it home.  Good thing it's two time zones away.
This custom Crosley 'Surrey' is for sale in Fort Worth, Texas for what seems like a bargain price of $250.  I say 'bargain' because the running gear is there and the Aerojet engine turns, so this baby might just might fire up with some coaxing.  Even if not, Aerojets are great rebuild candidates.
Body is a '49 or '50- looks like it's got hydraulic brakes given the filler hole in the driver's footwell.  And the body (what's left of it) doesn't look too rusty.  I'm guessing Fort Worth is in the dry part of Texas.
The seller (on the HAMB hotrod site) calls it a Surrey, but it looks pretty much like the custom Crosley golf carts I've seen before.  One way or t'other it's pretty cool for $250.  If it was half as far away it'd be keeping me up tonight.


  1. Very cool find. If I had $250 to spend on a project car and lived within reasonable distance of Fort Worth, I'd be talking with the owner to buy it. I could see it restored in a metallic turquoise with blue & white striped seats, a bulb horn on the cowl, white powder-coated tube bumpers, a fringed surrey top on a white powder-coated tube frame and YOM plates...

    And I would drive it on the street, in heavy traffic with SUVs, delivery vans, busses and semis, with no seatbelts since it didn't come new with them.
