Thursday, November 19, 2009

Not Dead Yet!

Hey, guess what? I'm not dead! I know, I know, it's been nearly two months since my last post, but there's been a lot going on. I'll save all that for another post.
Above is what inspired this post. This incredibly clean 1959 Crofton Bug is on Ebay right now!

I'm not sure exactly how many Croftons were made, but it was well under 500... I've heard estimates as low as 200. The seller suggests that 81 are known to exist, which seems high to me. I'm in California (home base of Crofton) and I've seen very few. I've only ever seen a couple for sale- and none as nice as this. That undercarriage is about as clean as you'll ever see on a Crosley product.
The seller states that the car has a Fageol motor which seems odd if the car is stock, but not impossible. The engine is a reverse block (meaning that it is a mirror casting of a regular Crosley engine) so that the intake and exhaust are on the driver's side. This was a Crofton hallmark, and I'm not aware of reverse block Fageols, but that doesn't mean that they weren't made.

As I write this the bidding is at $4150. I'm very curious to see where this car ends up. Aside from the lame Tweetie theme (whoever buys this car needs to stuff those floor mats and tire cover into a woodchipper ASAP) this car seems like an outstanding example of the Crofton marque.


  1. Hello Ol' Man Foster , I happened upon your comments on my car I am selling and am glad to hear you think so highly of it (except for the Tweety stuff) That was a family decision and the kids contribution .The pictures do not really show the detail of which this car was restored and kept .I too was somewhat surprised at 81 being accounted for but that comes from the man who keeps a Crofton Registry . And yes the Fageol 44 is all original. It was a nice surprise to see your posting , Thx Tom

  2. Beautiful car, Tom. I've seen some nice low mileage Croftons, but yours is by far the cleanest I've ever even seen pictures of. Good luck with the auction- whoever ends up with this car is going to be STOKED!

  3. Wow! Bidding went all the way to $8500 with the reserve not met. Who'da thunk?

  4. Hello again , I still have the car. Took it to a car show last week here in Texas.Lots of rides given around the parking lot. Offer of $12,500 declined. I have had the car since 1968 , so a few more years waiting for Mr. Right won't hurt. Tom

  5. Is this Crofton still available for sale?

  6. This Crofton is now the pride and joy of long-distance West Coast Club member Keith Becher...
