Thursday, December 18, 2008

Speaking of Harry Eyerly...

Another site I check almost every day is Bring a Trailer.  The host profiles interesting cars that he has found available for sale, with a heavy focus on vintage sports cars.

This morning, what should show up on BaT but a vintage Crosley HMod project for sale!  The Unicorn is a 1952 Crosley special, originally built in SF.  I've seen CL postings for this car and tried to contact the owner, but never got a call back.  Probably for the best since I have enough projects (as you may have noticed!)

I'm very jealous that whoever buys this car will have access to all of these gorgeous vintage photos of the car in its heyday... I have almost no provenance for any car that I own.  Of course the first thing I noticed in the photo above (Laguna Seca, 1957) was that the Unicorn is lined up right in front of the Eyerly Special mentioned in the post below.   As cool as the Unicorn is, I'll still bet Eyerly lapped him.


  1. haw haw haw
    I don't believe it, Tim!
    I just found this blog of yours, but I check "bring a trailer" almost daily.
    ... I know I know...
    I live on the other side of the bloody ocean, there's no point in dreaming on those vintage demons... but still...
