Jewell Park, the site for this year's meet, is a one-block green space just off the main drag in Pacific Grove. It has a small activities building in one corner and a bandstand on another - the rest is grass, with big trees on the edges of the park. Club pres. Rick Alexander had worked with the local Chamber of Commerce to get permission for the show and I knew the cars would look great on the grass - like a mini Concours. I rolled up a little before 8AM and waited for everyone to arrive - This will go down as the first time in history that I was the first one there!
Saturday, November 4, 2017
Wednesday, November 1, 2017
2017 West Coast Crosley Meet Report - Part 1
Autumn means cooler weather, leaves starting to drop, Halloween decorations making their appearance, and - in my world - the annual West Coast Crosley Club Meet.
Sunday, May 21, 2017
Things I Don't Need (But I Do): Crosley Bus FS on Ebay
On the long list of things I don't need in my life, a Crosley-powered bus - a PROJECT no less - would be waaaay up there. But that doesn't mean I'm not going to be dreaming about this tonight.
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
A Visit to Steve's Crazy Microcar Hoard
Dave, Nick and I followed Steve and Muggsy's trailer of French micro-weirdness to Steve's place outside Upland. I wasn't sure what to expect, but a mid sixties ranch house/microcar farm in an upscale neighborhood wasn't it. The driveway was largely obscured by a handmade tarp and irrigation pipe gate that blocked a carport. In front of the tarp structure, a faded red spaceage something-or-other [note: Steve says it is the Zeta Sport Coupe prototype, made in Australia by Harold Lightburn] poked out from under a car cover, hinting. How the neighbors haven't advanced on the compound with pitchforks and torches I'll never know.
Wednesday, May 10, 2017
Crosley Club Spring Meet / SWULCS April 2017
This year, the West Coast Crosley Club decided to do something different for our annual Spring Meet: we opted to combine our event with the Southwest Unique Little Car Show, meaning that in addition to goofing with Crosleys and visiting with my club compatriots, I was able to spend a couple days with hordes of even weirder, even smaller microcars.
Friday, February 24, 2017
Almost Here...
New issue of the Tin Block Times is at the printer - cover story on Crosley Cruise: The Sequel! Very happy with the great design work from new designer Matt K. Shrugg, who filled the mighty big shoes left by Dean Seavers. Should be hitting mailboxes sometime next week....