Interesting ad for a Crosley 3/4 Midget Race Car for sale on the LA CL. Pictures are so bad that the seller must have taken that "How Not to Sell Your Car" class - it looks like the car has been recently painted but who really knows. Engine does have speed equipment and he claims it's been hotted up with a big cam.
Friday, September 28, 2012
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
2012 West Coast Crosley Meet: Wow!
Last year I pitched the idea of having the Crosley Club's annual West Coast Meet in the quaint Gold Country town of Sutter Creek. Liv and I have had a lot of fun daytrips in that area and it didn't take much imagination to picture Crosleys buzzing through those Gold Rush towns and zipping along in the Sierra Nevada foothills. We put it up to a vote at last year's meet and the club members said 'go for it!'
Friday, September 14, 2012
Million Goggomobil March
My car-obsessed pal Jackson Griffith just tipped me to this - who knew there were SO MANY GOGGOMOBILS????
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Press Release: Crosley Meet, Sat Sept 8, Sutter Creek, CA
The Crosley Automobile Club (CAC) is pleased to announce that they will be holding their annual West Coast Regional Club Meet on Saturday, September 8, 2012 in Sutter Creek, California. The club will host a large display of Crosley cars at the end of Main Street in Sutter Creek from 9AM to 3PM. Over 20 of these rare cars will be on display at the show, making this the largest gathering of Crosley autos West of the Mississippi.